Faith For The Problems Of Today | Video


Pastor Kim

Those who walk close with the Lord – they are going to be discerning. They are those wise virgins that the bible speaks of – able to discern these last days. ‘ Faith For The Problems Of Today ‘.

..Faith to stand in this falling away. Because we also need faith to believe that we will be kept close to The Lord Jesus Christ. What is happening in these closing days is that we are seeing a falling away in Christendom – those who are holding to the faith. They are becoming victims to another gospel and faith – another Christ, leader and church. All these things that are so prevalent around us.

It’s one thing discerning it, it’s another thing allowing the Spirit of God to use it in order to strengthen you. That is what I believe it should be doing for the overcomer. Not only are they going to be able to discern but in their discernment it’s going to cause them to rise up in faith. So they will overcome – endure and remain faithful.

As I was preparing this I became aware of this. I had never really thought of it in that light. We know that with our trials and tests that we go through they are all designed for us to be strengthened in our faith – in our heart and consecration with the Lord.

Faith For The Problems Of Today

And so likewise as we correctly discern the times we live in. That is why I am calling this teaching today ‘ Faith For The Problems Of Today ‘.

Pastor Kim
Faith For The Problems Of Today
Faith For The Problems Of Today


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