God Uses Our Past To Move Us On | Video

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Pastor Kim

This is absolutely important not only for our deliverance but also for our maturity that He keeps us moving forward. This is why He didn’t allow the children of Israel in the wilderness to remain too long anywhere. Because He knows human nature. ‘ God Uses Our Past To Move Us On. ‘

He knows that we’re very good at putting our roots down. He knows that we can get so used to and so comfortable in situations. I’m reminded of the eagle with her chicks.. She starts to make the nest so uncomfortable for them in order that they start to learn to fly. God in many ways does this with us.

God Uses Our Past To Move Us On

We’ll look at some scriptures here just to familiarise ourselves with what we’re talking about.

For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your reward (your rear guard.) Isaiah 52:12

The Holy Spirit Deals With The Past

So we get indications that the Holy Spirit’s ministry is that He not only goes before us but He’s also at the rear aswell. That means that He deals with the past. He deals with wherever we go, so not only is He in the front but he’s also in the rear. Behind us other words.

And of course we get a clear indication of this when they were to cross over into the promised land. Moses is to put out his rod to smight the waters.

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. Exodus 14:18
And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: Exodus 14:19

This is ready for them moving forward as Moses strikes the Red Sea and it parts. And so this is what God does with us – both individually and corporately. He’s not only in front but He is also behind. Now why is He behind? Well in this case He’s staying behind at the rear of Israel because He’s going to destroy their enemies.

When they cross over the sea and Moses again puts forth his rod the sea returns and destroys the armies of Pharaoh. This indicates He’s also at the rear fighting the enemy. So He’s not only in front preparing the way but He’s also in the rear fighting the enemy and destroying him completely.. ..

Pastor Kim
God Uses Our Past To Move Us On
God Uses Our Past To Move Us On


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