Our Faith Sets Our Eyes On Jesus – The Word Of God | Video

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1
And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God.. Exodus 19:17
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Pastor Kim

..So the Word of God then feeds our faith but our faith has to be lived. We have to live each day by faith. And what does God use for that, well you’ve guessed it – trials. The trials of our faith – what are they doing? They keep our eyes on Jesus – the Word of God that was made flesh. That is what our trials do. You see the reason why you go through your trials – I go through my trials – because it stops us from becoming religious, because religion doesn’t save man. ‘ Our Faith Sets Our Eyes On Jesus. ‘

Reality Not Religion

Religion is devisive – religion causes wars. Christ never came to establish religion, He came to establish a faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We know it was religion – the Pharisees – that put Him to the cross, and it’s a curse. And that is why God will allow us to go through our trials and tribulations so that our faith is real and not religious. Why am I stressing that because religious people they can’t stand trials. Religious people are always running away from any trial. But a man or woman of God who’s truly born again will stand and see the salvation of the Lord. Will simply stand in Christ and watch as He fights our battles – by faith. Hallelujah!

Our Faith Sets Our Eyes On Jesus

The Battle Is The Lord’s

You do not fight your own battles. The one who lives and resides in you is the one who will set a standard against the enemy. All He ever asks of us is to believe Him. To trust Him, and as He has overcome all things so we too will overcome all things through Christ Jesus. That is why I’m always saying our walk as a Christian is not about doing but about being – in Christ. And that’s where our faith will come.. ..

Pastor Kim
Our Faith Sets Our Eyes On Jesus

Marilyn Baker ‘ God’s Only Son (Arms Of Love) ‘

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