Prayer Should Be An Experience | Video

..Experiencing God by revelation. That revelation by His Word – knowing His will and whether we desire and want to do His will or not.. ‘Prayer Should Be An Experience’.

..But to do His will – to walk with God and to understand His Word. For the Word to do that work in our lives and to be sown into our hearts – there has to be a prayer life that is attached to that.

You see the Holy Spirit has come to do a complete work in us, and that also includes a prayer life. If we don’t really have a prayer life we’re not really going to go that far. We’re not really going to experience a lot of the Lord.

Prayer Should Be An Experience

In many ways our prayer life brings the reality – the experience of Almighty God in our lives. The Word of God that we hear constantly week after week should very often encourage and challenge us to take elements of what we hear before God in prayer. Praying it through, praying for that greater experience – that greater faith.

Pastor Kim

Or where the Word of God has challenged us or indeed exposed some areas in our lives and hearts. That is where a prayer life is essential if we’re going to experience the power of prayer.. ..

Pastor Kim
Prayer Should Be An Experience
 Prayer Should Be An Experience
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