The Natural Has To Be Offered Up | Video

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
Pastor Kim

..We’ve given much teaching over the years – and that is what God is doing. The only way you can get deliverance from the mind – your thinking, those wrong thinkings, lustful thinkings – is when you offer yourself on that alter. A lot of counselling I have done over the years with brothers and sisters – with problems in their mind – in their thinking. The sinning that they do. ‘ The Natural Has To Be Offered Up. ‘

The problem is because they’ve not given themselves on that alter so that the fire of God – the Spirit of God can start to transform. Start to change, start to renew the mind so that they put on the mind of Christ. That new mind – there’s the deliverance. And that’s why so many are bound still in the mind. But that’s what God’s doing and will do. Why – what for? ‘ that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ‘ In other words you can discern – you can hear the Spirit. You know what the Spirit is saying – you know God’s perfect will not the permissive will.

The Natural Has To Be Surrendered

It is the perfect will of God for your life – for your walk. What you say, what you do, where you go, what you encounter – everything. And once you’ve experienced the perfect will of God in your life you cannot go back to the permissive. You just don’t have an appetite for it anymore. Because in the perfect will of God is the presence of God – is your Father. And there’s the difference. There’s the peace – the confidence, the faith, the anchoring. There is the life of Christ in you taking over in your weakness.

This is what it means – it’s all there. The natural has to be surrendered up, why? Because if you don’t do that you will always grapple with your will your stubbornness your pride – which was the Devil’s downfall. And He’s going to make sure you will be oppressed by that. That is your deliverance from that wilfulness, that selfishness, that pride – doing it independently of God. There it is.. ..

Pastor Kim L. Page
The Natural has to be offered up
The Natural has to be offered up
The Natural has to be offered up
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